The below questions need to be answered in a 3-6 Page microsoft word document using APA formatting and including APA in text citations and APA references at the bottom. Must use the federalreserve site below to obtain info
The monetary system in any economy facilitates trade and allows people to trade more efficiently, as compared to a barter economy. In the United States, the monetary authority is the Federal Reserve System (also referred to as the Federal Reserve, or informally, as the “Fed”.)
For this assignment, use the information presented in the textbook and the Fed’s website ( when addressing the questions below.
What are the requirements for something to be considered money? Why does the dollar have value?
What does the money supply consist of and what are the respective amounts in the total money supply for the United States?
What are the primary functions of the Fed? What role does the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) play in our economy?
What role do the financial institutions (commercial banks and other institutions) play in our financial system?
What is meant by the term “fractional-reserve banking” in our system? What are the implications for consumers?
What are the tools available to the FED for controlling the money supply? Which are used most often? Which are most effective?
How does the money multiplier help to determine the effects of monetary policy?
What are the pros and cons of using monetary policy, as opposed to the use of fiscal policy, for implementing economic policies and practices?
Submit an 3-6 page paper in Microsoft Word format by Saturday, December 5, 2015, addressing the above-noted items
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