What is Identity? What is ethnicity?Explain.

Short Story Paper- Topic: What is Identity? What is ethnicity? Who Am I?” by Gwyn Kirk and Margo Okazawa-Rey, approaches identity formation as a continuous process which is based on the interplay of three levels of social relations, micro, meso, and macro. The social features of one’s identity incorporate individual, community, societal, and global factors and result in multiple, complex identities which can be both enriching and contradictory. Using this framework, look at how a character in one of the short stories has come to understand his or her identity within the context of cultural, generational, or social conflict. Amy Tan, “Two Kinds” Cisneros, “House on Mango Street,” Jamaica Kincaid, “Girl” Toni Cade Bambara, “The Lesson” Alice Walker, “Everyday Use” Joyce Carol Oates, “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” John Updike, “A&P” James Baldwin, “Sonny’s Blues” Pick one short story from the list above and write an essay analyzing the main character and show how the main character arrives at his or her “social location.” Refer to the Kirk and Okazawa-Rey reading.

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