What is reality? What’s an artist to depict these days, when traditional forms of representation don’t truly represent modern reality.

Discussion 75-300 words each w references

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Dadaism shares much with Surrealism in its quest to illuminate other possible realities.

Reality is only one possible mode of existence.

Again the question, What is reality? What’s an artist to depict these days, when traditional forms of representation don’t truly represent modern reality.

Modern reality now included the internalization of new paradigms concerning the operation and structure of the physical, social and mental worlds.

-Einstein and this new paradigm of physics

-capitalism and industrialization


Discuss Roy Stryker and the FSA/OWI Photographers


A painting dealing with sexual urges of various kinds.

Woman in a white gown embraces a hermaphrodite.

Inspired by his nightmares.

Composition is dominated by a large yellow biomorphic form whose shape might suggest a monster facing right.

Man entering a cave, regressing towards a room, central figure, perhaps represents an incestuous affair?

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