What is the source for the information that offers a reasoning for increased discrimination in employment?

First, I didn’t approve you topic on China and Religious Discrimination in the Workplace – because there is simply not enough information available on religious discrimination in the workplace. I indicated below that you would need to engage in a search to find what little material exists. Most of the material relates specifically to ethnically oriented discrimination – not specifically religious discrimination.


The lack of material associated with religious discrimination in employment is evidenced in your last paragraph.

What is the source for the information that offers a reasoning for increased discrimination in employment?
And, is there evidence of specific religion based discrimination?
If you found a resource other than the one that is linked below – which identifies a variety of religious based employment discrimination – I’d like to see it.

Here is a resource from the labor movement in China. It specifically highlights 1 case of religious discrimination.

Article linked to report: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-28123267

1. You don’t identify the religion of the dominate majority – Han Chinese – Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism (some Christian.)

2. Nowhere in your writing assignment do you discuss the Employment Promotion Law. (2008)

You focus on the Chinese Constitution… According to the China Labor Bulletin, a non profit organization that promotes employment equity in China….

“The Chinese Constitution and several statutes stressed equality of employment but provided little of use in substantively combating discrimination.”

That’s why the Employment Promotion Law was needed.

Finally, I’m surprised by the fact that you do not even mention the extent to which the Chinese government is blatantly engaged in religious discrimination in communities. Please see the the most recent (published in 2015) US Department of State, Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) International Religious Freedom Report. It is not a good time to be a member of a religious minority in China.

Specifically, you should look in the section on China.

Other resources….

I don’t know what to share, except you do not have a foundation for linking religious discrimination to the workplace in China in the draft you sent to me.
You do not address important topics in regard to religious discrimination in China.

Take time to review documents I’ve sent, Identify important material specifically related to religious discrimination in employment in China.

Please fellow it and modify it.
Thank you so much.
Added on 05.12.2015 21:05
Here is the email form the professor:

I\”ve read your WA #2.

First, I didn\”t approve you topic on China and Religious Discrimination in the Workplace – because there is simply not enough information available on religious discrimination in the workplace. I indicated below that you would need to engage in a search to find what little material exists. Most of the material relates specifically to ethnically oriented discrimination – not specifically religious discrimination.


The lack of material associated with religious discrimination in employment is evidenced in your last paragraph.

What is the source for the information that offers a reasoning for increased discrimination in employment?
And, is there evidence of specific religion based discrimination?
If you found a resource other than the one that is linked below – which identifies a variety of religious based employment discrimination – I\”d like to see it.

Here is a resource from the labor movement in China. It specifically highlights 1 case of religious discrimination.

Article linked to report: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-28123267

1. You don\”t identify the religion of the dominate majority – Han Chinese – Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism (some Christian.)

2. Nowhere in your writing assignment do you discuss the Employment Promotion Law. (2008)

You focus on the Chinese Constitution… According to the China Labor Bulletin, a non profit organization that promotes employment equity in China….

\”The Chinese Constitution and several statutes stressed equality of employment but provided little of use in substantively combating discrimination.\”

That\”s why the Employment Promotion Law was needed.

Finally, I\”m surprised by the fact that you do not even mention the extent to which the Chinese government is blatantly engaged in religious discrimination in communities. Please see the the most recent (published in 2015) US Department of State, Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) International Religious Freedom Report. It is not a good time to be a member of a religious minority in China.

Specifically, you should look in the section on China.

Other resources….

I don\”t know what to share, except you do not have a foundation for linking religious discrimination to the workplace in China in the draft you sent to me.
You do not address important topics in regard to religious discrimination in China.

Take time to review documents I\”ve sent, Identify important material specifically related to religious discrimination in employment in China.

Please fellow it and modify it.
Thank you so much.
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