Your analysis of a discourse community should contain the following key elements:
® A detailed description of the community and an account of how you came to be a part of this community or how you came to be interested in it.
® What kinds of specific terminology or language do members of these communities use and how is this language useful to them?
® What kinds of rules does this community have? How important are these rules? Why?
® What are the genres or texts specific to this community?
® What kinds of communicative practices are common to members of this community? That is, do they commonly communicate through writing or through speech? Why? And how are these communicative practices effective?
® What kinds of specific literacies are required to be a part of this community? How do new members of the community acquire these literacies? What is the process for doing so?
® Create an argument about why it is important to acquire the literacy practices of this discourse community. What is its value? What does acquiring these literacy practices allow community members to do?

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