For this discussion board first view the following video:
pham ly. (2013, August 30). Did You Know 2013 Officially Updated for 2013) HD [Video file]. Retrieved from
Next briefly scan each of the following articles and websites:
NMC horizon report 2012 K-12 edition
NMC horizon report 2013 higher education edition
enGauge®21st century skills: Literacy in the digital age
Framework for the 21st Century
Education technology is becoming ubiquitous in world of education today. After viewing the video “Did You Know 2013 Officially Updated for 2013) HD,” and scanning the Horizon Reports, consider the mission and goals of the 21st Century Education movement. What theme or goal of the 21st Century movement particularly appeals to you or strikes you as critical for educators to address? How is your school or organization developing 21st Century skillsets to enable learners to successfully manage information and technology in ways that contribute to a sustainable and equitable society?

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