What was the consideration each side promised?

This assignment involves finding a contract and analyzing it. You may use

any contract you like – something you have signed (such as a lease) or

something you found on the Internet. NOTE: please do not use any document

titled “promissory note” or other financial instrument.

After reading the contract carefully, please answer the following six

(6) questions about it in writing.

1. Is this contract one that HAD to be in writing under the Statute

of Frauds, or could it have been an oral agreement? Why or

why not?

2. What was the consideration each side promised?

3. Does this contract contain an integration (or merger) clause?

4. If this contract contains a choice of law clause, what does it


5. Does this contract contain a liquidated damages clause (if so,

please tell what it says)?

6. Is there anything you would have added to this contract if you were

being asked to sign it?

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