Which one best represents your leadership style, and why?

Research 2 Web links that would allow you to assess your leadership style, and try both of them. Which one best represents your leadership style, and why?

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Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions with your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

The human resource is one of the most important project resources, but it is very unpredictable. Possessing strong leadership skills is a part of the equation. The other is getting to know your project team as unique personality types that are each motivated in different ways. One style of leadership does not “fit all.” For this Discussion Board, you will be researching links to assess your leadership style, communication style, and your project team’s personality type. Some of this research will be incorporated in the Key Assignment project that you will be selecting in the Individual Project for this week.

The following Discussion Board research will assist you. Research at least 2 sources (which may include your textbook) to support your response.

Research 2 Web links that would allow you to assess your leadership style, and try both of them. Which one best represents your leadership style, and why?

Research 2 Web links that would allow you to assess your communication style, and try both of them. Which one best represents your communication style, and why?

Research 2 Web links that would allow you to get to know your project team’s personality better. Discuss why each might help in getting to know your individual team member’s strengths.

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