Which one of the five generic competitive strategies discussed in Chapter 5 most closely approximates the competitive approach that Starbucks is employing?
What is your evaluation of Starbucks social responsibility strategy? Is it sincere or just something the company does and talks about to create a good public image?
What is your assessment of Starbucks’ financial performance during fiscal years 2007-2011?
Has Howard Schultz done a good job since his return as Starbucks’ CEO? Why or why not? What evidence can you cite in support of your position?
What issues confront the company as of mid-2012? What should Starbuck’s management be worried about?
What recommendations would you make to Howard Schultz to sustain the company’s growth and support continued strong financial performance in the years ahead?
When making strategy recommendations at the end of your paper think about all the facets of Starbuck’s business not just the café’s that we all know. Keep the paper in the period of the case, do not look to the current day for financials or strategy decisions, show that you can do the analysis on your own.
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