Choose five (5) additional professional references in addition to the class’s texts and the Bible.

Each student will write a ten-page paper on a topic in the field of child counseling. Choose a theme applicable to both the class texts: Cloud and Townsend’s (2001) Boundaries with Kids and Clinton and Sibcy’s (2006) Loving your child too much: Staying close to your kids without overprotecting, overindulging, or over-controlling. Choose five (5) additional professional references in addition to the class’s texts and the Bible. Research Papers are to be a minimum of ten pages, NOT including the abstract, reference page, or title page. You will follow the most recent APA guidelines throughout. Papers are to be typed, double-spaced, using #12 Times New Roman font. A minimum of five (5) professional references should be utilized, in addition to the class texts and the Bible. Emphasize QUALITY before quantity. Remove verbiage that is really only “fluff”! You are to create your own title for the paper and use your own presentation style. Papers will be graded on the basis of clarity, flow, use of resources, interpretations and conclusions. You are expected to use citations liberally

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