Demonstrate the writer’s careful consideration of three or more important success strategies.

t’s very simple. It’s a paper about a class that helps you better prepare for college. It gives you strategies on how to study, organize yourself, and so on. Here are the instructions: you will write an essay in which Present your own Personal Philosophy of Success. The purpose of this essay is to define the success stategies that you will use for years to come. This essay is your opportunity to write the script that will keep you on course to a rich, personally fulfilling life. An “A” paper will… -Demonstrate the writer’s careful consideration of three or more important success strategies. -Contain extensive support (examples, experiences, evidence, and/or explanation) for each strategy, and -Show a commitment to excellence in preparation, including professional appearance and a command of standard English. -Be a minimum length of 500 words, and must be prepared on a word processor

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