Determine if they appear to pay below market, at market or above market in the function of compensation.

The course project starts with your selection of a company that made the Fortune Magazine 500 list. I have chosen Best Buy. Do initial research about the company overall and then about their human resources philosophy. In a 3 page report, answer the following questions:

Introduce the company and its human resources philosophy
Do you believe that the company values their employees?
What is their staffing process?
Determine if they appear to pay below market, at market or above market in the function of compensation
What areas are you looking forward to learning more about for your final report?

This paper should be 3 pages of complete content (cover page and reference page are separate) and have in-text citations. The paper will be in APA style (both in formatting the paper and reference page). One scholarly article as a minimum should be included in the paper.

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