Determine locations of new transmission lines, transformers, and circuit breakers.

⦁ Determine parameters of the equivalent circuit of the transmission lines for the selected tower designs.
⦁ Determine locations of new transmission lines, transformers, and circuit breakers. Only the corridors shown in Figure 2 may be used for the new transmission lines. 500 kV lines will require transformers to interconnect with the 230 kV system.
⦁ Use PowerWorld to conduct power flow computer simulations for peak demand conditions with all facilities in service and River City as the slack bus with 1.02 pu as its voltage. Since renewable generation cannot be dispatched, assume that wind generation will be able to produce power at 30% of its capacity at the peak load, 40% of its capacity at 80% of peak load, 60% of its capacity at 60% and 40% of peak load, and 80% of its capacity at 20% of peak load.
⦁ Determine the capital cost for new equipment installed in the system (i.e., generators, transmission lines, circuit breakers, and transformers).

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