1) Must be 2 pages…..
As health care manager, your facility will soon be implementing an electronic health record (EHR). Some employees feel that they are not technologically gifted. Some employees feel the computer will soon cause them to be laid off. Employees are discussing this implementation and passing rumors about whether the implementation will actually improve the medical record. Discuss the following in your paper:
How does change impact motivation of employees?
Discuss how you would communicate with these employees and what you will tell them about the EHR implementation.
Discuss how employers will explain about the training that will be offered to all employees and how employee job skills will change with the implementation.
2)Organizational chart completed in PowerPoint or Word
As a new health care manager, you will need to have an organizational chart of the facility and of your department. Complete the following for this assignment:
In PowerPoint or Word, develop a simple organizational chart for a facility or for 1 department.
Make this chart original.
Do not use real names or companies
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