Identify where you found the definitions (the sources).

Read “Arts of the Contact Zone” (Mary Louise Pratt) beginning with paragraph 5 on page 530 (there is a “5” next to it; “However, I was not invited here to speak…) (530-539). Also read “Visual Essay: Coco Fusco and Guillermo Gomez-Pena. Samuel Fosso. Wang Qingsong.” (540-541). Write: “Exploratory Writing” (541-543) and read “Classroom Activity” (543), then instead of responding to the discussion questions, look up the terms presented in Pratt’s summary of Guaman Poma’s letter (autoethnography, transculturation, denunciation, imaginary dialogue, vernacular expression, miscomprehension, incomprehension, absolute heterogeneity of meaning) and look up definitions of these terms, type up the definitions, and identify where you found the definitions (the sources).

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