i want you to write research paper which is :
TOPIC: when they choose careers, should people look primarily for jobs that are well paid or for jobs that are personally fulfilling, morally acceptable, or socially responsible?
and this is my THESIS statement that you should use is:
each person thinks different when he/she choose a job because of many reasons such as well paid, personally fulfilling, morally acceptable, socially responsible, and good benefits.
you should writ as this order:
– hook
-my THESIS statement
2.First body paragraph
3. second body paragraph
4. third body paragraph
5. fourth body paragraph
6. fifth body paragraph
7. conclusion
every body paragraph has one of the reasons. and i will attach you a paper that i wrote about the first three sentences of each body paragraph.
Also, i attached the 4 articles that you should use as sources.
you got the idea of my paper, so do not use other then these ideas. and if you want to add please send me a message saying what you added and what you used other then what i told you. in the sources when you quote open a bracket and say in it from which one exactly you got it the articles I mean. please if you have a questions ask please and please not plag
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